Thursday, June 30, 2005

It's official: I'm a total dork

I just got a tiny app that lets me rearrange the order of my taskbar. This description fits me down to a T:
Arrange your taskbar buttons the way you want, not the way windows does! If you're a power windows user you have more than one button on your taskbar all day long. It sure is nice to have your common apps in the same location. It may only save a second or two here and there, but we love saving that second don't we.

If you don't know why this would be useful you don't need it. Surf on. But if you've ever closed the app you prefer to have in position one and have actually considered closing down all your apps and restarting them to regain your order, well, you'll appreciate Taskbar Arranger.

Of course, continuing my curse of never finding on the first try a program that works, I searched deeper into the bowels of online freeware and found this one--which works great.


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