Friday, June 24, 2005

The Democrats' double standard

Not surprisingly, the Democrats have a double standard when it comes to dealing with offensive remarks. Here's what Rush Limbaugh had on his show yesterday, comparing the Durbin debacle with the Trent Lott incident of 2002. Listen to the whole thing--it's under a megabyte. [note, I guessed on the spelling of names]
Let's now look at a montage of how Democrats reacted to Trent Lott's apology. And by the way, there wasn't just one Trent Lott apology. There were five. Trent Lott apologized five times; not one of them was accepted. We have a montage here: December 2002, from Democrats and John McCain, reacting to Lott's apology. We've got Gov. Coumo, former TX Gov. Ma Richards, former head of the NAALCP [National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People] Quaeesi Infume, LA senator Mary Langrew, CA rep. Maxine Waters, and Jesse Jackson, along with Sen. McCain. Here's what they had to say about Trent Lott's apology.

[audio montage follows]
Let's take some of these statements about Trent Lott and apply them to the Durbin debate.

"Trent Lott Dick Durbin speaks for the Republican Democratic party. It was terrible."

"If a Democrat Republican had said what Trent Lott Dick Durbin said, there'd have been no question as to whether or not he would have stayed on or not."

"We think he should resign, and we think the party should find a way to make that happen."

I saved the real zinger for last:

"The real issue is does the Republican party think this should be their leader? I can promise you if a Democratic leader said something like this, or close to this, their leadership position would be pulled."

Need I say more? The lack of consistency would staggering if it was surprising at all.


Blogger A Wiser Man Than I said...

Good post. It's amazing that anyone thinks that the standard can go the other way at all.

Republicans should stop kowtowing to Democratic demands. Either that, or start making demands of our own.

It's getting old to have to act righteously all the time when the Democrats don't have to.

6/25/2005 2:52 PM  
Blogger Barba Roja said...

SO we had Dick Durbin using an overheated bit of rhetorhic in the process of pointing out that the tactics used to torture prisoners was remiscent of a despotic regime, and there was Trent Lott expounding on his fondness for the days of segregation and lynchings.

Sorry, but I really don't see an equivalency between the two at all. Lott had to step down as majority leader because he favored undemocratic and racist policies. Should Durbin resign because he's too zealous in his denunciation of torture?

6/25/2005 5:59 PM  

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