Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Reverse racism

Anti-racism crusaders go so far in their causes that they end up being just as racist as the folks they protest. A true lack of racism is colorblindness, not artificially leveling the playing field by purposefully choosing blacks over whites to create a "diverse" environment. When minority advocates meticulously hyperanalyze anything--a politician's staff, ratios of minority sports coaches, minority employment in upper level management--they're simply engaging in reverse racism. Artificial quotas are not beneficial. Punishing whites for being white and rewarding blacks for being black does nothing for racial equality.

Race should be irrelevant. That's why when a form comes my way with those little boxes to check my 'race' I check a different one very time. (I'm sure I've got a little Tunisian in me somewhere!)

Inspired by this Powerline post.


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