Monday, August 08, 2005

Cranky Liberal, or "Confusion Central"

A while ago I posted about an abortion-related discussion at Cranky Liberal. I finally made it through all the comments over there. Wiser did a heck of a job defending the pro-life view. But one thing interested me in particular. Becks, the author of the original post, wrote:
I have been to Seth’s blog and read what he wrote about this post. He is welcome to his opinion- but, his attitude is part of the larger problem. People who will deride others for having a particular point of view but who are not willing to debate the issues in question do NOTHING positive for the state of our country. You [referring to Wiser]- however- were willing to put your ideas and opinions out there for discussion and for that you have my respect. As I have said- we may not agree, but it is this kind of discourse and discussion between people of differing views that will foster solutions. Not the sideline name calling from the right and the left. Not the vitriolic rhetoric from the likes of Micheal Moore, Ann Coulter, Rush and so on.
If the post referenced was the only one about abortion, I'd humble say "point taken." Unfortunately, Becks completely missed the reason I chose not to debate in the comments section of Cranky Liberal: I had already done it before and found it futile, hence the link to that discussion. Go read it for yourself and tell me if I derided my opponents and refused to debate.

The fact is, I am completely willing and desiring to debate this issue with people because I want them to find the truth. I simply chose not to debate in that specific forumn because I was frustrated and I had been fruitless there in the past. Fortunately, Wiser jumped right in and fought bravely.


Blogger A Wiser Man Than I said...

I know where you're coming from. The left assumes that abortion is a moral issue, which, assuredly it is. However, I try to deal with it from a scientific perspective. Mention brain waves and you'll be greeted with the silence of the aborted fetus's former beating heart.

It's tough to reason with people who abandon reason at the start of the argument, but as long as you realize that the pro-choicers are frightenly clinging to their position, it's worth throwing a few facts out there just to show them how wrong they actually are.

8/10/2005 2:14 PM  

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