Monday, July 25, 2005

"Give me tolerance or give me death" just doesn't have the same ring to it

It's been quite a while since I quoted Jim Geraghty--I kinda had a dry spell reading his blog. But now I'm back into it (hopefully), and he shares my frustration with the tolerance approach to dealing with terror:
Scotland Yard has good cops and good investigators, but it seems pretty obvious what it’s going to take to break up this threat: Going deep into the Muslim communities of Great Britain, listening to the imams, figuring out who’s endorsing these acts or calling for jihad against commuters, figuring out who’s listening, and busting them. It’s going to take undercover work, and interrogations, and wiretaps, and motivating Ali the stool pigeon with alternating piles of cash and threats of deporting his mother. It is going to be a long, tough fight, and I wonder if the sensitive, postmodern, multi-culti Brits are willing to let their cops do the impolite stuff to their Muslim neighbors. Discussion groups and interfaith conferences aren’t going to solve this – if they could, they would have already.

I was quietly furious about a comment I read yesterday in USAToday:

The bombers "grew up in this society," said Ahmed Versi, the editor of a Muslim newspaper in London. "It's not only the Muslim community that failed them — how about the police, the mosque, the school, the government? The questions need to be asked of every one of us. It's a collective thing."

The people of Great Britain, or the West, didn’t fail these guys. They failed us by becoming mass-murdering psychopaths.

I'm glad your back, Geraghty.


Blogger Jene said...

Seth! Herro!

Time to make the small world smaller, hey, it's Jennyfromhighschool.

I've finally decided to expand horizons off of my old LiveJournal (the real way I met KristenfromWashingtonandyourpast, blogging!) and into the wide world of Bloggering officially and publicly.

I promise I haven't been a creepy stalker or anything, but now I'm going public and linking to your blog and stuff, because you're like Fox News, only with prettier colors. (I'm over here, if you care.)

Hope you're having fun unsmashing cars. Peace.

8/04/2005 11:06 AM  

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