Sunday, April 03, 2005

A polite debate with cranky liberals

There's a fascinating discussion going on at Cranky Liberal about abortion, contraceptive use, and sex education. I'm politely debating with some nice liberals in the comments section. Check it out.

UPDATE: Here's the text of my latest comment. This is a very stimulating discussion!
pia, I sympathize with all the emotional anecdotes given by you and others, but your tears and stories won't change my principle. I could provide countless anecdotes for the miraculous and beautiful situations that came out of unwanted pregnancies, etc. I don't deny that any of these situations are horrible; of course they are! All I want to do is prevent even worse tragedy--and as bad as abuse or shelters are, I think we can all agree that death is far worse, and death is exactly what we give to a baby when it's aborted. Do you think I don't care about the folks involved? Because I do. But I have faith that life doesn't have to be static; situations can change. After all, love and care towards those people is central to true Christianity; we believers don't always (perhaps often?) succeed, but it's a role I am commanded to fill. Death, on the other hand, is a one way street; once you're on it, situations don't change. That's why I would rather save and preserve life at all cost, even if the cost is pain to someone else. Bad life is better than no life. It's not that I'm cold or brutal or uncaring; it's that I am valuing the highest of the high--human life.

Example: Say there's a kid born from a rape victim who, through the emotional trauma of not being wanted, develops a sensitivity for and insight about people who hurt desperately on the inside. He becomes a doctor and helps thousands of people, writes a book and helps millions more. Would you trade the positive effects of this man's life to avoid a painful situation for a handful of people?

See how easy these stories are? We can't decide our principles based on tear-jerkers. It's gotta go deeper than that.


Blogger Tran Sient said...

They seem to have you outnumbered. My favorite is the one that posted about insest. As though someone suffering through that is going to use a condom.

4/03/2005 9:50 PM  
Blogger Tran Sient said...

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4/03/2005 9:50 PM  

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