Saturday, March 19, 2005

Soderberg reverses herself

I know there's been a lot of talk recently about Nancy Soderberg's comments on The Daily Show with John Stewart, so there's not much new to add. But if you were listening closely to her interview with Bill O'Reilly this week, you might have caught it when Soderberg reversed herself and widened her brush to make her argument more palatable and realistic, and to keep herself from aligning with the kook fringe left. Here are some bits from the transcript:
O'REILLY: All right. Let — let me stop you there. So you think Michael Moore (search), Barbara Streisand (search), The New York Times, the L.A. Times, Stuart Smalley (search), the Air America crew all want President Bush to succeed in Iraq in the War on Terror? Really?

SODERBERG: I do. I do, and that's — you know, and the reason is it's good for them, it's good for America. We don't want to have to spend hundreds of billions of dollars and lose more lives in Iraq.

O'REILLY: I am amazed that you're sitting there telling me that you believe that all of the people I cited want the United States to win the war in Iraq. See, I don't believe that for one second.

SODERBERG: Bill, you know, Democrats aren't as bad as you think they are.

O'REILLY: No, I don't think they're bad.

SODERBERG: You ought to talk to more of us now and then.

O'REILLY: No, no, no, no, no. There's a difference. There's a difference. The Lieberman wing of the Democratic Party certainly does, and it's not that Democrats are bad. Most Democrats are very good people. But the party's been hijacked by the far left, and the far left certainly doesn't want Bush...

SODERBERG: I don't think that's true.

O'REILLY: ... to get credit for anything — ever.

SODERBERG: Yes. I mean, I'm not — I'm not able to speak for the Hollywood list of officials that you talked to. I don't really know them. But I do know that the Democratic Party and certainly every presidential candidate that was running in the last election want America to succeed.

I think anyone in Congress would want them to succeed, and any person in a responsible position in Washington and across this country. There's no doubt about it. I think...
First Soderberg states that the Hollywood left actually wants Bush to win the war in Iraq and the War on Terror. Yet a minute later in the show she disavows any knowledge of what the Hollywood left thinks, because "I don't really know them." Why is that? Hmmm, that's a mystery...*

*Extra points to anyone who can name the movie this quote is from. Hint.


Blogger Lina Maria said...

I hate to agree with Bill O'Reilley, but he has a point. If this lady you are citing here is the same that actually said this on the Daily show:"there is hope that it won't work out" when talking about winning the war in Iraq and the hearts and minds of the middle East, then I am glad Bill O'Reilley called her to task.

Unfortunately, it is absolutely true that the Democratic party has been hijacked by the extreme left. They don't want Bush to succeed and won't ever give him credit for anything.

3/21/2005 4:19 PM  
Blogger Barba Roja said...

The Democratic Party has been hijacked by spineless moderates who refuse to stand for anything.

The Left wing of the party realizes that Bush cannot win the War on Terror the way he's fighting it; and so we need a major policy reversal if any positive change is to be achieved.

3/22/2005 1:00 PM  
Blogger Seth said...

Oh, you mean the policy that allowed free and immensely sucessful Iraqi and Afghan elections? The same policy who's waves have affected the typically terrorist friendly and/or democracy-hating countries of Libya and Egypt, and the new Palestinian leadership, not to mention the masses in Lebanon, Iran and the Ukraine? You're right, President Bush's policy has failed miserably...

That you are totally unable (unwilling?) to see the incredible good happening as a result of President Bush's War on Terror, demonstrates a total lack of intellectual honesty and a mind filled to the brim with ideology-induced blindness.

3/22/2005 10:54 PM  

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