Sunday, March 13, 2005

Rules for arguing with females

Hat tip to JohnnyChun for an original composition:
In arguing I have noticed several patterns in which the female gender of our human race take advantage of in order to win arguments with guys. Well, ladies.. I am on to you.
Fellas… Im going to teach you the secret to arguing with the ladies. Pay close attention cause this is good stuff:
Abandon all logic. The ladies don’t use it, so why should we let it burden us?

Do not cave in with any part of your argument. Compromise is pointless… if you concede to one thing, they will have you eating out of their hands in no time.

Take cheap shots. Girls will randomly insult you with something way off topic from the subject at hand. That is their way of getting you off topic. Fight fire with fire. Tell her she has disorienting facial hair and is a genuinely awful person.

Cite precedent. Most of our lady friends have no concept of historical factors relating to the current situation.

Interrupt. This is a tactic that girls often use on other girls. Use it against them.. it works. They get all frazzled and it makes me laugh.

Do not take her arguments seriously. Laugh at points she deems as valid. Fart, if possible. Do whatever it takes to derail her emotional train.

Compare her unfavorably to another girl. Girls hate other girls. When you pick one, pick one that you know she just doesn’t like. Tell her, “Whats-her-face is so much nicer than you are” or “Oh my gosh… you’re acting just like Whats-her-face.” Girls are their own worst enemies. Take advantage of that.

Finally, don’t let her end the conversation. Girls will often throw you the “Let’s stop arguing please” only to get your guard down so they can come in for the kill. If this phrase is uttered, simply tell them, “Yeah, all this being right is making me tired.” It’ll work the magic. Also, you can end the conversation. “I don’t feel like fighting. Ive proven my point.” Then leave. This really ticks them off. Girls tend to think that a guy will always end up telling them that they are right. Twist their whole concept and shoot it down. Its all about the mind games.

Remember, guys… For years the girls have dominated the field of argument. It is time we take it back. Who says they always get to be right? Johnny Chun says NO!


Blogger D2M said...

~Compare her unfavorably to another girl. Girls hate other girls. When you pick one, pick one that you know she just doesn’t like. Tell her, “Whats-her-face is so much nicer than you are” or “Oh my gosh… you’re acting just like Whats-her-face.” Girls are their own worst enemies. Take advantage of that.~

Oh my gosh that's so true for me! If anyone compares me to a girl, even one I do like, it makes me mad. I don't like being compared to other people! LOL.. I wonder why that is? I must have a "selfestime" issue or something...

3/13/2005 3:42 PM  

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