Saturday, March 12, 2005

Thoughts on America, prompted by WWII

As I clocked a ridiculous amount of hours reading for my WWII class, I stopped and wrote down this observation:
What countries in recent history began wars simply for the sake of war? For conquest? For glory and power? To oppress/dominate "weaker" people? Germany and Japan.

The U.S. does not do this. We have no racial superiority complex. We don't launch imperialistic wars. We don't invade neutrals. We don't attack neighbors unprovoked. We are supremely interested in the spread of human liberty and freedom. Sure, we've had our hands bloodied; yes, we've contributed directly and indirectly to atrocities. But the overwhelming majority of the U.S.' influence worldwide has been to foster freedom, prosperity, and open societies. That is our legacy.
I am proud to be an American.


Blogger D2M said...

Have you ever noticed how some of the nations that scream the loudest about us being the worst nation in all the world and history tend to be the nations who committed the acts their accusing us of? It's what I call the "cheater's syndrome".

Cheater's syndrome is when someone who cheats and then assumes other people are cheating. They assume this because 1: they can't imagine someone NOT cheating and 2: because they're feeling guilty about what they're doing and trying to put the blame on someone else.

3/13/2005 3:52 PM  
Blogger Seth said...

D2M, what a great analysis!

3/13/2005 3:56 PM  

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