Laughter, antidote for liberal negativism
Often the best fight against liberal idiocy and negativism is wit. Thus, check out how Jim Geraghty and Glenn Reynolds respond with cleverness and hilarity to the whackos at Democratic Underground.
The truths I believe in and stand for are founded in a God bigger than this world. Regardless of my stumblings in word or deed, His truth remains unmatched, undefeated and ever eternal.
The things people say to make Bush look bad. :-o Honestly, these people need to go to countries with no democracy at all and see how "Great" it is.
Personally, I was very happy to see the Iraqi's out and voting. More power to them!
I think everyone deserves the chance to be free, rich, and having the ability to chase thier dreams. Phooey on the people who think otherwise!
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