Sunday, January 30, 2005

NOW Kerry worries about "overhype"

John Kerry. What can I say other than thank God he is not our president?..... He said the following about the Iraqi election: one in the United States should try to overhype this election.
Ahhh. Now he learns! Let's take a look at some of the things John Kerry and the Democrats "overhyped" during his failed bid for the presidency.
  • Abu Ghraib prison scandal; this was kept on the front pages for weeks and portrayed as a military policy sanctioned by men all the way up the chain of command
  • President Bush's AWOL charge; this was bogus and everyone knew it. Fortunately, Dan Rather and Mary Mapes (and a few others) were ripped to shreds by real journalism.
  • Negative news from Iraq; holy cow--the Democrats and their cohorts in the media absolutely refused to give any positive news coverage of Iraq.
  • Halliburton; enough of the blood for oil crap, ok?
  • The exit polls; don't be so quick to claim victory based on numbers that don't actually mean anything.....
  • the cop-out line "we just didn't get our message out good enough." Face it, you guys lost because you did get your message out, and the American people chose otherwise. A kook-fringe liberal will never get elected to the presidency.
How 'bout one item that didn't get hyped enough? The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The media kicked and screamed before they would cover this important group, and the Kerry campaign never actually answered the charges made against him. Rather, they tried to smear the vets who had just as much claim to honor and integrity as Kerry claimed from his service.

Shall I repeat myself? Thank God John Kerry is not our president.


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