Saturday, August 14, 2004
Posts of Note
- Why "Standing Up for Nothing"?
- Reason #48957 why Christianity is not the Enemy
- Is the modern church known by love or glitz?
- "24"--the moral implications of the best show on television
- The Absurdity of Natural Selection
- Who's to blame for bin Laden's sympathizers?
- To My Anonymous Critic
- A lesson in God's Sovereignty
- A Difficult Decision
- I am a Christian, and I Suck
- Answer to an Unspoken Prayer
- My latest disgust with CCM
- Link Central: a collection
My Rounds
- Google News
- Drudge
- Powerline
- Hugh Hewitt
- Michelle Malkin
- Critical Mass
- Right of Way Show
- Cranky Liberal
- Instapundit
- Patterico's Pontifications
- WORLD Magazine
- WorldMagBlog
- OneTrueGodBlog
- Relevant Magazine
- Intellectual Takeout
Thinkers and Stinkers
- West Coast Chaos
- Krista Renee
- A Wiser Man Than I
- Tran Sient
- Saving Aeneas
- How Sleep the Brave
- The World and Everything in it
- Strangely Normal
- Believing in Thinking
- The Council of Trent
- Blood:Water Mission Blog
- This and That. by Jenny
- For Everyone Else
- Environmentalist
Whacko - Graphpaper Symphony
- grace4me
- Soldier4Him
- Liberal Utopia
Folks from my other life
- White Lighting
- Slake Your Thirst
- A Great Conversation
- Anticipated C-Mang
- The Nelsonator
- Melle
- A Hazy Shade of Green
- Nathan Colgate
- Allie Clark
- Reina de Drama
- The Blind Squirrel
- Diliburito
- Stagnant Sam
- Dooglas
- Dr. Driver
- Ansen Lays It On
Previous Posts
- Somebody record this: an intelligent ruling in Ca...
- Column of Truth
- Their guy visiting Our guy vis...
- I am honestly scared, and it only makes my support...
- Someone is Lying
- A Moral Soldier? (Gasp!)
- Yet another moral inconsistency
- From an amazing post at Front Page Magazine.
- Heroism: what defines it?
- The World Depends On Us

Apparently my Grandparents had two trees fall on their house because of that hurricane. Luckily their whole island was evacutate before the hurricane hit, so no one was hurt (except for their pocketbooks).
One of the nice things about living in South Dakota is not having to fear the hurricanes. Living in MS for 12 years gave me a healthy fear of them.
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