Thursday, April 27, 2006

When it rains it Snows

Going only from the information contained in this story, it seems the MSM is trying (yet again) to fabricate a story out of thin air in order to smear a conservative. Tony Snow is reported to have said in 2003 that "racism isn't that big a deal anymore."

There are two things Mr. Snow could have intended with such an assertion. One, that racism is unimportant, that racial issues don't matter. If that was his intent, then I vigorously disagree with Mr. Snow. Simply watch "Crash" and tell me there aren't significant racial issues in America. However, it seems clear to me that this view of racism is not in fact Mr. Snow's. The second possible meaning of his statement is explained by his further comments, also quoted in the article:
Snow argued that "no sensible person supports" racism, arguing that the problem is "quickly becoming an ugly memory."
It seems clear (and the video the DNC put out confirms it) that Snow is saying that racism is no longer important in that nobody actually supports it anymore. This is a legitimate point.

Racism has been society's standard fare for most of American history, both in the North and the South. It was even written in to our Constitution (the three-fifths clause). One impassioned Mississippi preacher spoke out against the impending loss of the Civil War: “If we cannot gain our political, let us establish at least our mental independence [sic].”

A 1954 neighborhood study of race relations within a large city, published in the American Sociological Review, found that the local whites formed a Civic Club with the “main purpose…[of] keep[ing] up the bar against the colored element moving in here. That was the purpose when it was first organized and that is still the purpose today...[W]e are interested in keeping this community white..."

Situations like these are almost impossible to find anymore. Today, people argue heatedly over what is or isn't racism, but nobody argues that racism is good. It seems clear that was Mr. Snow's point. Not that the media cared.

There's no news like made up news.

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