Friday, March 31, 2006

Howard Dean opens his yapper again

Howard Dean, in typical fashion, is off his rocker again.
[A]t a speech in an Oakland union hall, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate sought to tie Bush to a much tougher House bill that would tighten borders and make it a crime to be in the United States illegally or to offer aid to illegal immigrants. Bush does not back the House bill.
Translation: the bill would make it a crime to committ a crime! Oh, horror! But wait, there's more:
"This is a nonsensical proposal put out by far right-wingers in the Republican Party who have been endorsed for re-election by the president of the United States," Dean said. "The president has a moral obligation to rein in the right-wing extremists in his party and stop this divisive rhetoric about immigrants."
Did Howard Dean just use an argument from morality in the public square? Oh no! Actually, Dean probably didn't even know he used moral language, considering his favorite New Testament book is Job.
Dean accused Bush and fellow Republicans of demagoguery in the immigration debate, saying it fit with a long-standing pattern. He cited the president's opposition to the University of Michigan's affirmative-action program and Bush's decision to "pick on" homosexuals--an apparent reference to the gay marriage issue in the 2004 election.
If defending traditional marriage is picking on homosexuals, then it wasn't just Bush. It was also the voters in 13 states who ammended their constitutions to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

[cross-posted at Right of Way Show]

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