Monday, January 23, 2006

First Sharon, now this

The terrorist group Hamas is using the democratic process to advance itself, and the Palestinians seem to be buying it. In probably the most misinformed quote of the day, a Palestinian voter describes his dissatisfaction with the ruling Palestinian Authority and his new support for a group whose business is killing innocents:

"Fatah [the ruling party of now-dead terrorist Arafat] is in my blood," he said, displaying a scar from an old bullet wound suffered in a clash with Israeli troops in the first Palestinian uprising. "But now I want a change. We want someone new, with clean hands."

This is the same Hamas whose mission is to kill Israelis, even innocent civilians. In fact, the terrorist group's charter holds a pretty strong view on the Palestinian peace process:

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. All initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are a waste of time and vain endeavors" (Article 13).

Just when you think the Middle East can't get any hotter. Sharon is gone for all practical purposes, a terrorist group might be elected into power in Palestine, Iran is being run by a crazed Holocaust-denying Islamist, and the U.S. is raping Iraq of its oil and other resources.


Well, at least the last part isn't true.


Blogger A Wiser Man Than I said...

This is why we have to be careful of our worship of democracy. Bush speaks of it as a panacea, but Chesterton called it a "curse word" and Churchill has his saying that "democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have thus been tried."

There have been good kings, and bad democratically elected leaders. You and Bush are Christians, and correctly understand the nature of humans as fallen beings. Even among those who believe in Christ, the record is but tolerable. The priest scandal shows just how terrible we humans can be, even when we supposedly serve Christ. Yet we are to expect that the infidels in the Middle East--to use their term--would be able to govern themselves in an honorable fashion?

There's faith, and then there is this.

1/24/2006 9:01 PM  

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