Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Memo to the President:

I am disappointed. While I am very supportive of the tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I want to focus on two domestic issues which you have utterly failed at: immigration and fiscal policy.

Mr. President, you of all people should know how important the borders are to our country's security and the fight against terrorism--as a former governor of a border state and as the leader of that fight. So why are the borders so open? If volunteers who care enough about the borders to do something can act effectively against illegal immigration, why can't the government? Although generally I am loathe for government to overly involve itself in citizens' lives, border security should be near the top of the list of the basic roles of government.

Sir, I am pro-immigration, but I am anti-illegal immigration. I want folks to come to this country by following the laws. If the laws are inadequate, change the laws--not just leave them unenforced. I am willing to accept the potential effects on my pocketbook that blocking the cheap labor illegal immigrants provide will cause. It's worth it to me because I don't want the next group of terrorists who blow up a mall in the midwest to have slipped in through our back door because we weren't watching close enough. There should be no politics involved here, Mr. President. Deal with this issue, and do it now.

Secondly, the fiscally conservative, small-government George W. Bush I thought I knew has apparently disappeared. You have not vetoed a single spending bill, and many Americans are sick and tired of the pork piled into random bills by weasely congressmen, Republicans and Democrats. I did not vote for such ridiculous and irresponsible spending. Mr. President, your proposed fiscal response to Katrina and Rita seems to betray a belief that government can and should "make it all better" for the victims. Yet government, when given charge over money, is likely to waste and lose track of it. I do not trust government or politicians to handle my money.
So, here's my directive: stop spending, and be more responsible with what you have spent!


Blogger A Wiser Man Than I said...

Bush is a liberal. It's good you're starting to see the light. I hope I can count on you voting third party in '08 with me.

10/13/2005 8:51 PM  

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