Thursday, March 24, 2005

Why do people want Terri Schiavo to die?

Peggy Noonan's column asks some very valid questions concerning the Terri Schiavo issue:
I do not understand why people who want to save the whales (so do I) find campaigns to save humans so much less arresting. I do not understand their lack of passion. But the save-the-whales people are somehow rarely the Stop stop-abortion-please people.

The PETA people, who say they are committed to ending cruelty to animals, seem disinterested in the fact of late-term abortion, which is a cruel procedure performed on a human.

I do not understand why the don't-drill-in-Alaska-and-destroy-its-prime-beauty people do not join forces with the don't-end-a-life-that-holds-within-it-beauty people.

I do not understand why those who want a freeze on all death penalty cases in order to review each of them in light of DNA testing--an act of justice and compassion toward those who have been found guilty of crimes in a court of law--are uninterested in giving every last chance and every last test to a woman whom no one has ever accused of anything.

There are passionate groups of women in America who decry spousal abuse, give beaten wives shelter, insist that a woman is not a husband's chattel. This is good work. Why are they not taking part in the fight for Terri Schiavo? Again, what explains their lack of passion on this? If Mrs. Schiavo dies, it will be because her husband, and only her husband, insists she wanted to, or would want to, or said she wanted to in a hypothetical conversation long ago. A thin reed on which to base the killing of a human being.
This is very similar to what Rush Limbaugh said yesterday:
"I can understand the passion for life. I don't understand the passion for killing."

"We're talking life. What can it possibly hurt? What can it possibly hurt anybody to review the case again, at the federal level? What harm ensues to anybody?"

"How many of you have rejoiced when had a death row inmate has been saved because of later investigation into DNA? Do you want Terri Schiavo to die because some Christian conservatives want her to live? Is that it?"
This clamoring by the left for the death of Terri Schiavo sickens me. Yet another reason why liberalism is wrong...


Blogger Barba Roja said...

Excuse me, but 'the left' is not 'clamoring' for her to die because of 'liberalism'; I think that statement shows a pretty basic failure to understand the movement, the philosophy, and the situation at hand.

What concerns the liberals (for the most part, though I suppose there might be exceptions somewhere) is the unprecedented meddling in private affairs from the 'pro-life' movement.

It's a wrenching decision, absolutely, to deal with the fact that someone you love is in a persistent vegetative state and is never going to wake up. But the decision how to deal with it should be left to the family and the doctors. Not the courts and not Congress.

I don't see any concern for Terri or her family. What I see is exploitation of human misery. The GOP rushed to save her; meanwhile, in Texas, a 6-month-old baby had its feeding tube removed (OVER the objections of the mother) because his mother couldn't afford treatment. This was perfectly legal, under a law signed by Governor Bush.

3/24/2005 8:36 AM  

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