Saturday, January 29, 2005

Volkswagon suicide bomber

I had a mixed reaction to this. Part of me wanted to laugh out loud at the genius and ingenuity of it, but the other part wanted to cringe in distaste and amazement that VW would produce this ad. Not made to actually air on television, this ad was intended as a "viral ad"--VW doesn't actually "air" it but it spreads across the internet through word-of-mouth, thus allowing the target audience of 25-year-old males to see it.

UPDATE: For those of you who either can't or won't view the ad, here is a description. A man (obviously Arab/Muslim) leaves his home in some European city and gets into a new VW Polo. He drives up to an outdoor cafe populated with civilians--the camera focuses on a man and two women, one with a newborn baby. The Arab pulls up beside their table, pulls out a hand-held detonator and solemly bows his head. He pushes the button. A fiery explosion inside the car, but nothing occurs outisde the vehicle; in fact, the car remains intact. Then a black screen with the VW logo and the tag: "Polo. Small but tough."

Any reactions?


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