Friday, January 28, 2005

Ted Kennedy's poor reasoning

According to this article, Ted Kennedy
"called on the Bush administration to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq shortly after national elections there Sunday, saying the presence of US troops is fueling an increasingly violent insurgency and exacerbating the security situation, not improving it."
OK, Senator. Let's see what else you have to say.
The Massachusetts Democrat said it has become clear that increasing troop levels in Iraq will not bring peace to the region because the troops are often targets of attacks,
The insurgents are not just anti-America. They are anti-democracy-in-Iraq. That means that even with the U.S. gone, as long as the Iraqi people desire freedom and strive to realize that goal, they will be targets. As I see it, I'd rather have insurgents focus their attacks on military targets because a) civilians aren't targeted--as much-- and b) the military can fight back and defeat these animals.
and he said the United Nations must fill the nation- building role that America is playing largely by itself.
(cough, cough) the U.N.???? Big surprise that a liberal Democrat from Massachusetts would place his trust in the most corrupt and incompetent national organization in the world.
Vietnam should have taught Washington that military might alone cannot win wars, he said. "We thought that victory on the battlefield would lead to victory in the war, and peace and democracy for the people of Vietnam," Kennedy said. "We did not understand that our very presence was creating new enemies and defeating the very goals we set out to achieve. We cannot allow that history to repeat itself."
You're right, Senator! You and your liberal buddies shouldn't make the same mistake twice and undermine the very troops you claim to support! What does it say about your party when our most hate-filled terrorist enemies use your arguments to further their cause? Please do not encourage our enemies.
[Kennedy] said Bush should send a signal that he has a "genuine exit strategy" by clearly stating that the United States will not maintain permanent military bases in Iraq and by bringing home at least 12,000 troops immediately after the elections.
Senator, I believe our president already has proclaimed our exit strategy: we will leave when the job is finished and/or the Iraqis ask us to leave. Pretty simple. Also, may I remind everyone that from the very beginning President Bush made it clear that this was not going to be a war "over by Christmas" (a misconception of the pre-WWI era), but was going to take prolonged time and effort. Just think how long it took to rebuild Germany and Japan after WWII.


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