Saturday, December 04, 2004

Relativism on both sides of the aisle

NBC and CBS are advancing the same old "all religions are equally valid" bunk again......They banned an advertisement by a liberal church that promoted its willingness to allow all people into fellowship--including homosexuals.
The 30-second spot, run by the United Church of Christ, features two muscle-bound bouncers standing outside a church, selecting people who could attend service and those who could not. Among those kept out are two males who appear to be a couple. Written text then appears saying, in part, "Jesus didn't turn people away, neither do we."
OK. First off, Christianity doesn't turn homosexuals away, it just condemns their behavior. And it's not like the Bible singles the gays out; it equally condemns adultery, murder, get the idea.
An NBC spokeswoman said the problem with the ad was not its depiction of same sex couples at church, but its implication that other religions are not open to all people.
Maybe the ad implied that because it's TRUE. Now, I'm by no means defending the theology of the pro-gay United Church of Christ, but at least they recognize the nature or morality--that is it not relative. They believe (I think) that what they think Christianity to be is right and other religions are wrong. I still disagree with their theology, however. Take just one comment by a female (strike one) pastor of this denomination:
So I suppose, if you want to get to heaven, you should follow his example and continue the work he began and don't worry about too much else. Whatever happens after death is something only God has anything to do with, and since God is Still Speaking, it could end up being anybody.
According to these folks, the Bible teaches that to get to heaven all you need to do is follow Jesus' example and be a good person. Nothing about believing in Christ to save you from the penalty of your sins, just a feel-good easy-street religion that preaches tolerance and love.


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