Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Kerry says he plans to increase troops in our military, because he says we're spread thin. Yet, if we're out of soldiers, and he won't instate the draft, the only way to increase troops that aren't there is to count on a surge in volunteers. Can he guarantee volunteers?

"The best way to relieve out troops is to win in Iraq." Over the fence. Does Kerry have a target on his chest, because Bush nails him every time he speaks.

"Truth Standard." This new phrase lines up with "Global Test." No more comment neccesary.

Bush just misspoke "background" checks. It's the first I've noticed so far tonight.

"I am a hunter. I am a gun owner. I've been a hunter since I was a kid." [gag...gag...pander alert...]

Senator Kerry, affirmative action is NOT an attempt to be "inclusive." Being inclusive is when (for example) government forms don't have any boxes to check regarding to race.

Bush hasn't met with the NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People). Why would he meet with people who equate him with Hitler and the Taliban. Not a whole lot of constructive or friendly dialogue will emerge from those meetings.......

President Bush cites positive minority statistics.

YES YES YES YES!!! How can you not like President Bush after his personal, heartfelt description of his religious influences.

"Everything is a gift from the Almighty." "Native Americans who gave me a blessing the other day." Wishy-washy relativism alert. Kerry is trying to appeal to both true religious people and people like himself.

Misquote of the night: "Love the Lord with all your mind, body and your soul." I bet Kerry's favorite New Testament book (like Howard Dean) is Job.

Bob Scheiffer was phenomenal tonight. He asked perceptive, intelligent, fair and personal questions. The last one about the strong women in the lives of Scheiffer, Bush and Kerry, was a beautiful set-up for a meaningful monologue by the President on his wife and daughters. If he went on any longer I felt like he would have teared up.

On the other hand, Kerry bombed with the same quesiton: "Integrity. Integrity. Integrity." How much you wanna bet that this story is as true as the rodent Kerry gave CPR to?

Did Kerry just say "idear"?

"God bless the United States of America." Is that the god of the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, or the Native American spirits?

My impression of this debate is the polar opposite of the second. BUSH WAS ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL. There is no doubt that the President won this debate, hands down. (And the fact that I was so disappointed with Bush in the second debate proves that I'm not just spinning the debate to keep positive about Bush) This night will go down in history as what won President Bush his reelection. My hat is off to you, Mr. President.


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