Friday, May 12, 2006

The DaVinci Code is Cracking Catholics

And they need to get a grip on themselves. Catholic voices ranging from Vatican officials and Nigerian Cardinals to church scholars have increased their attacks on Dan Brown's best-selling novel just in time for the film. How long will it take people to realize that loud denounciations and calls for boycotts do nothing to subdue a film's public-drawing power? In fact, typically the opposite happens. "The Passion of the Christ" comes to mind immediately: the feverished, whiney screams of anti-semitism about Mel Gibson's phenomenal film no doubt helped propel it to the greatest profits ever for an R-rated film.

Make no mistake: I have read The DaVinci Code, and I believe it to be a fascinating story with a lighting-fast plot; it's no wonder the book kept me reading late into the night. However, as literature the book is lacking. It is low on character development, and the writing simply isn't stellar. In addition, the characters and plot line in The DaVinci Code are pathetically similar to its prequel, Angels and Demons--which I blogged about last year. Yet there is a bigger problem with the book. I won't detail Dan Brown's deceit and dishonesty here--plenty of other have done that. This post concerns the folks who have crossed the line in their opposition to the book and the film. According to this article,
Cardinals, speaking with the authorisation of the Vatican, have called for the Hollywood version of Dan Brown's bestselling novel to be boycotted.
First mistake. A boycott will only increase peoples' desire to see the film, and those (Christians) who do abstain will only be shooting themselves in the foot by being ignorant of an important discussion. One Catholic got it half right when he described the novel as "stridently anti-Christian" and called for believers to "reject the lies and gratuitous defamation" in the book. Agreed: reject the lies, but instead of boycotting anything DaVinci, engage the discussion! The wimperings about attacks on Christianity, without being coupled with an intellectual response, harken back to the days of William Jennings Bryan, who said in the 1925 Scopes Trial, “I have been so well satisfied with the Christian religion, that I have spent no time trying to find arguments against it.”

A common response to Christains' claims about The DaVinci Code is that the book is only fiction. Indeed, the film's star came out with such a defense:
[Tom Hanks said] the story we tell is loaded with all sorts of hooey and fun kind of scavenger-hunt-type nonsense...If you are going to take any sort of movie at face value, particularly a huge-budget motion picture like this, you'd be making a very big mistake.
That's exactly the point: this "loaded with hooey" story (the book, at least) is packaged as factual, which it most definitely is not. Even the mainstream media has researched and exposed as false some of the basic historical assertions in the novel. Yet many religious leaders (especially Catholics) have called for measures against the film that would be completely counterproductive; some have even called for legal action!
[Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze said] Christians must not just sit back and say it is enough for us to forgive and forget. Sometimes it is our duty to do something practical...Some know legal means which can be taken in order to get the other person to respect the rights of others.
Oh, please. Legal action because a movie innaccurately portrays Christianity? This is perfect fodder for the lefties who claim equivalance between Christians and the Islamic response to the Danish cartoons. Riots are quite different from threatening legal action, obviously, but any unreasonable response by Christians to the DaVinci controversey reflects negatively on them. Fortunately, there are plenty of reasonable responses to this issue. Three off the top of my head: Josh McDowell's book, pastor Mark D. Roberts' blogging on the subject, and Focus on the Family's roundup of valuable articles.

Of course, not every Christian leader opposed to the film/book do so for the standard reasons, or so goes the claim:
Another eminent Catholic, socialite Claus Von Bülow, said: "I am not going to see The Da Vinci Code. This has nothing to do with its historical claims but because I found the book unreadable."
I find that hard to believe.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, "I come as a thief..."

Hello Seth,

There's a bit more to the story of the Vatican's reaction than most people are aware of yet. Read my missive below to understand what they are truly afraid of. It's not the DaVinci Code per se, but the fact that people have been motivated to seek out the unequivocal truth about an age of deception, exactly when they expect me to appear...

It is quite a joke that the Vatican and Catholic Church have the gall to accuse the author of a novel of attacking their fantasies and dogma. Remember that this is the same organization that manufactured fake relics and miracles for many centuries. This is the same group that massacred and tortured people for having a mind of their own. This is the same group of deluded deceivers that makes more noise about a fictional book and movie than about child raping priests, aids, famine, or even the Holocaust! Here's more about my take on it.

Is the world ready for unequivocal Truth and verifiable Wisdom yet?

Please be forewarned that what I reveal will upset a lot of apple carts and shake a lot of trees, hence the true meaning of the word Apocalypse. Please don't take what I say or do as a personal affront. Be a little patient and read my articles. My purpose is to prove that the truth has long been hidden in various ways. Humanity has been lied to and deluded by religious and political leaders long enough. My aim is to reveal the truth and deliver verifiable wisdom. To do so, I must rattle a lot of cages to wake people out of their nightmares. I come with proof beyond disproof of many things. If you want to be amazed and enlightened, resist the urge to scoff at unfamiliar knowledge and seek to understand the stunning and comprehensive proof I have produced.

What does "making the blind see" symbolize? What does "closing one's eyes and ears to truth and wisdom" or "turning a blind eye and deaf ear" infer? Perhaps many more people are now ready to "open their eyes to the truth!" Now Christians (and others) can gain the wisdom to walk away from the folly of religion and seek to understand the truth about the Creator and Her Messiah (me). Now everyone can open their seven eyes to see the ancient wisdom long recast and obfuscated by religion and mysticism and turn their faces to the perfect path. (this is symbolism decoded in my books...)

Are you familiar with the "Seven Spirits of God," the "Seven Golden Candlesticks," "Wisdom's Seven Pillars" in Proverbs 9:1, and their relationship to the Community Rule in the Dead Sea Scrolls and DSS 11Q13? Study the Doctrine of Two Spirits on my web page and on the front cover of my book. I have produced some earth shattering breakthroughs in this area that will end the lies of religion, forever.

The Vatican is proving that seeking the truth is a real threat to their dogma. They're so afraid of people uncovering the truth, that they are attacking other versions of fantasy (DaVinci Code) and blatantly obvious Gnostic symbolism as threats to their long-term smoke and mirrors, hocus-pocus, and mumbo-jumbo. How thoroughly enlightening, since this goes a very long way to proving that Christianity is based on strong lies and delusions. If it weren’t, they would be confident of surviving intense scrutiny. Since they aren't and since they have gone to such great lengths to suppress and oppress those seeking truth and wisdom over the centuries, their deceptions are, once again, laid bare for all to see. This time though, they are the ones to walk into a well-laid trap...

Did you ever stop to think what the True Messiah (me) would say about worshipping false names, false images, and dogma? Well, now you get the chance to hear my side of the story and weigh it against the strong delusion of faith and religion. None of the European names and images in the New Testament can possibly be the truth. It’s beyond obvious that the New Testament is not complete or even accurate history. What then is the purpose of "faith" but to prevent good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?

Visit my web site to understand what they are truly afraid of. The Vatican and world leaders have struggled to keep people from understanding the truth and religion is a key tool in their smokescreen. Now, when I appear on the scene, everyone is seeking to understand their ages-old deceptions, and I have produced stunning and comprehensive proof. The time has come for the "earth to quake" and the liars to "gnaw their tongues for pain." (This is symbolism decoded in the book...)

The time has come for the Vatican and world leaders to learn the truth about Karma...

If you truly want to understand the symbology, ancient wisdom, and ancient history that neither the DaVinci Code nor Christianity have portrayed accurately or fully, then read my articles and download my FREE E-Book. I am not trying to make money from book sales, quite the opposite in fact. There are many centuries of deception that need to be exposed and it takes a fully researched tome to succeed at such a daunting task. I am providing years of difficult research and reconstruction, without income or profit. Please accept this in the spirit intended. It is not commercial spam, deception, or an attempt to delude. I make no money from the E-book or the paperback, which is sold at cost as a convenience. As mentioned earlier, study the Doctrine of Two Spirits on my web page to understand the long-obscured truth about my philosophy and purposes.

Not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk...

Here is Wisdom!!

5/13/2006 12:37 PM  
Blogger A Wiser Man Than I said...

You got spam from this hoser, too. What a goofball.

The thing with the Da Vinci Code is that, yes, it's heretical, but if the Church would clean up its mess first by A)getting the gay priest problem out of the way--when 80% of the pedophiles are gay, it's a gay priest problem not a pedophile problem, B)start rooting up the heretics within the Church, with the Bishops the first to go and C)start preaching orthodoxt from the pulpit instead of nonsense in the "spirit of Vatican II"

The Church I hold so dear has so many problems right now, to concentrate on a piece of hack literature which pretends to be factual is ridiculous.


5/14/2006 11:21 PM  

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