Monday, September 26, 2005

A taste of their own medicine

(For illustrative purposes only, of course!)

According to this story, a company is charged with knowingly selling defective body armor to President Bush's security detail. It seems clear to me that far-left extremists (i.e. the mainstream Democratic party) are behind this abhorrent attempt to deliberately jeopordize a sitting president's life. Forget corporate greed, this is Howard Dean-driven! Just when I thought the hate-filled left couldn't get any worse, they lower the bar even further. I would not have believed even these hate-mongers were capable of something like this horrendous, but obviously their opposition to President Bush is the over-arching theme of their lives, even over moral laws and prohibitions against murder. Every one of these disgusting liberals deserves to die. Let's take this country back!

That was utterly ridiculous, right? Disgusting and impossible to take seriously? Duh. Well, not that I advocate junk like this, but perhaps if the left heard this they'd know what we conservatives feel like on an almost daily basis, what with the "Bush hates black people" theories, "Christians equal the Taliban" accusations, the war for oil tripe, and so on...


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