Joke of the Day
I believed in the story. The facts of the story were correct. One supporting pillar of the story--albeit an important one--one supporting pillar was brought into question.Bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaa!!!
~ Dan Rather (link to video), referring to CBS' Bush National Guard story.
Uh, Bush never showed up for his National Guard duty. The memos Rather had on the air were false, but yes, the basic story was true.
Gee, there's a way to prove something. Pay no attention to the bogus evidence behind the curtain...
There were mountains of evidence for this before Dan Rather aired memo 1. At no point is the case for Bush's delinquncy resting in large part on these forged documents.
Because those documents (Had they been real) would've been the 'smoking gun' on the story instead of the convincing but circumstantial proof achieved so far.
Not that you would trust a conservative website, but a quality summary of what was wrong with the documents--and the story in general--can be found here.
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