Friday, January 07, 2005

A new face

Happy to return the favor of visiting blogs, I headed over to The Big Rant after Tim commented on my Nick Coleman post. Tim is new to the world of blogging, but if his second post is any indication of his typical insight, eloquence and wisdom, I'll be a regular reader. An excerpt:
At the age of eighteen, I just knew I was smart, sharp, and on top of things. There wasn't anything I couldn't understand or have a strong opinion on. Around my 30 birthday I had an epiphany of sorts. It finally dawned on my that I wasn't the smartest guy I knew. It had taken me 30 years to realize just how stupid I really was. But even then I didn't fully understand what each year of life means in terms of maturity and wisdom. I'm forty six years old now. At a time when some of my senses are dimming just a little, my understanding of age and how its related to wisdom is becoming more clear by the day.
Welcome to the blogosphere, Tim!


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