Saturday, January 01, 2005

Blog Ads: Conflict of Interest?

The use of advertising in the blogosphere has grown recently, particularly on political opinion blogs, partly because the ads reach targeted audiences and partly because it's a heck of a lot cheaper than TV/radio advertising. Part of me thinks, "Awesome! How cool is that when some guy who just started commenting one day on his personal website about things important to him he'd end up raking in the dough!" After all, if a business approached me, I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a cupcake. Yet I still am apprehensive about conflict of interest; anyone can be susceptible to it. Let's say I've got an ad on my blog from Nike, and then one day I get convicted about the child labor in Pakistan used to make Nike's soccer balls. Even if my Nike contact doesn't call me (which he might if I start posting), don't you think I'd be a little tempted not to tick off the folks who provide my extra spending money? I doubt my (theoretical) girlfriend would appreciate that.....


Blogger Temujin said...

That's something I've thought about too. At this point, I'm not really getting enough traffic to justify blogads... I mean, look at what guys like instapundit or Frank J at charge for their ads! But they can do it because they get thousands of hits each day.

However, it would be nice to earn extra dough for something that I wouldn't exactly classify at "work".

As long as you don't have Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama Presidential blogads on your sidebar, I think you could sleep well at night :-)

1/02/2005 1:58 PM  

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