Monday, July 19, 2004

missed "The Grid" and other thoughts

I desperately wanted to see the 2-hour premiere of TNT's "The Grid," but circumstances prevented me.  The radio spots for the show intrigued me:  I was surprised that, in today's political correctness, a mainstream media show would portray a terrorist as an Islamist--a man's voice was heard in response to being confronted with evidence against him saying defiantly, "I answer only to Allah!"  Wow.  Maybe this show will help people to understand that the war we are currently waging in the Middle East is in fact a religious war.  Islam is an evil religion, despite what relativists and others afraid to take a real stand say about it.  The liberals in the country would rather "talk" to our enemies, refusing to realize that these Islamists reach out with diplomacy in one hand and re-load their assault rifle with the other.  There can be no peace with these people.  It's not even an option.  Their goals are clearly stated:  annihilation of Israel and the Great Satan (that would be us Americans).
There are two ways to defend against this enemy.  1) retaliate after they have attacked us--in other words, after civilians are already dead.  2) take the battle to them in order to protect our innocent lives.  Yes, there will be innocent lives lost on their side of the aisle, but we cannot be blamed for what our enemies have caused.  I consider most innocent Iraqi civilian killed by the U.S. to be either directly or indirectly the fault of the insurgents, aka terrorists.  If they weren't after us, we wouldn't be after them.  It's not our fault our enemies have no honor in battle.  It's not our fault they hide like the cowards they are behind women and children.  It's not our fault that they shoot from inside their holy buildings and expect us not to retaliate there.
This War on Terror is just, is necessary, and I completely support President Bush in his effort to make the world safer from these evil terrorists.  And yes, they are evil.


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