Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Re-carve the map?

The AP reports that Iranian President Ahmadinutjob
called for a cease-fire in Lebanon and criticized U.S. policy in the Middle East on Wednesday, saying Washington wants to "recarve the map" of the region with Israel's help.
Re-carve the map? Last time I checked, Hezbollah is not a sovereign nation. It has no borders and no legitimate authority. Israel’s stated intent is to disarm and/or destroy Hezbollah and then go home—leaving Lebanon a freer nation in the process, I might add. If anyone is a map-carver, it's Iran: Ahmadinutjob is the one pining for Israel to be wiped off the map.
Ahmadinejad's nation is a major backer of Hezbollah and a sworn enemy of Israel, but he denied that Tehran provides military support to the militant group.
And we all believe that one, right?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

exactly right, good post

7/31/2006 3:09 PM  

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