Thursday, August 19, 2004

Political Quiz by yours truly

Pity we have to pay activists to behave the way they should anyways. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is rewarding activists who protest peacefully during the Republican National Convention with discounts to a host of NYC’s attractions and events “for those who promise to behave and smash no windows,” according to this article.

No side of the aisle is perfect, but isn’t it glaringly obvious which party’s activists are full of hate, violence, despicable language/actions, threats, intimidation, maneuvering and outright lies?
Let’s take a simple survey. Here are the questions:

1. Who continues to skirt the issue of his war record and the criticisms against it, and resorts to character assassinations and smear campaigns against his detractors? Bush or Kerry (circle one)

2. Who continues to hold the line on the issues he believes in, refusing to change positions with the oft-changing tides of polling data? Bush or Kerry (circle one)

3. Which party was never concerned about the legality or ethics of 527 organizations—until one such company produced an ad criticizing their candidate? Republicans or Democrats (circle one)

4. Activists for which party continually protest 100% peacefully and stand their ground in an onslaught of vitriolic hate and opposition by their political opponents—who go to great lengths to keep them from exercising the same Constitutional right to protest? Republicans or Democrats (circle one)

5. Proponents of which party, in the cleverly masked false crusade for “choice,” vigorously oppose educating people about all pregnancy options? Republicans or Democrats (circle one)

If you answered these questions correctly, YOU WON the knowledge of who to vote for in November. Winners click here.
This quiz is continually developing to reflect current events. Any suggestions would be considered and appreciated.


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