Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Dirty Work

I am getting fed up with the way John Kerry has been acting. (You like that condescending motherly voice? lol) John F-ing Kerry should watch what he accuses his opponents of. Referring to the Swift Boat Vets for Truth, Kerry said:

"They're funded by thousands of dollars from a Republican contributor out of Texas," Kerry told a convention of the International Association of Fire Fighters on Thursday in Boston. "They're a front for the Bush campaign. And the fact that the president won't denounce what they're up to tells you everything you need to know — he wants them to do his dirty work."

Well, for one, notice that Kerry doesn't confront the charges; he simply dismisses his critics and/or makes every attempt to silence and discredit them. Next, note that, due to recent campaign finance laws, Bush cannot legally have any interaction with the Swift Boat Vets for Truth, or any other 527 organization for that matter. The same goes between Kerry and MoveOn.org, for example. Of course, only when a 527 comes out against a Democrat do the press shift into gear, making accusations of illegal collaboration. Never mind that Michael Moore had a VIP seat with the party power brokers at the DNC in Boston. Never a hint of impropriety with a 527 opposed to Bush. Of course not!

To paraphrase from the infallible and omniscient (tongue-in-cheek--mostly) Rush Limbaugh, we can't know for sure which side is telling the truth--Kerry or the Swift Vets. But just look at this: which side continually sticks to their guns and their story, rebutts opposition with facts and documentation, and which side uses shady and vague rhetoric and scare tactics instead of confronting the charges? Hmmmm......that's a tough one.


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