Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Teresa Heinz "Carry-Me-To-My-Pillow"

There she stood, drenched in a Heinz Ketchup-colored outfit, droning on about....something or other.  Did Teresa Heinz Kerry take rhetoric lessons from her husband, John-the-Cadaver?  Cause seriously, folks, I'm surprised anybody was awake at the end of her speech.  My theory is that there was a button on the podium--below the camera view--that controlled the neon "Applause" sign above her head.  That way the audience would know when to clap.

Did anyone notice how Teresa would speak about 3 words at a time, take a pause, and then speak another 3 or 4 words?  She probably drove the guy running the teleprompter nuts!  At least he was kept awake.  The back of my head's bruised from all the times it fell back against my chair in mind-numbing delirium.

But enough of the funny stuff.  I'll stop the personal attacks and the critique of her style.  Now we move on to the substance of the speech....... 

Ok, next post.


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