Monday, July 26, 2004


I love weekends when you get to leave the city and just relax in the country!!!  Josh and I hung out with a friend of mine and her sister from Saturday evening to late tonight.  We began by meeting up with her dad to see the Bourne Supremacy (ok, as a movie, horrible compared to the book; more on that later), then we went out to Poetry, TX (where?) to his beautiful country home, complete with horses/stable, dogs and cats, and of course the landscaped pool and patio area.  I got to dink around on their antique piano, wowing the non-musicians with some "Desperado" and other famous tunes (it's fun to play in front of people, but occasionally embarrassing when too much attention is drawn).  We watched Star Wars, Episode One, into the night, went to church in the morning (don't get me started on the sermon tonight; it's too late), ate at El Chico's for the first time (it was free; isn't it nice to have a friend who's dad's a generous lawyer?), then headed back to the "farm" for an afternoon of relaxation, talking, listening to music, and finishing off the Star Wars trilogy.  Great flicks, Mr. Lucas.

Now I'm home, dreading the thought of getting up early for work.  No matter how much sleep I get, wake me up any time before 8 and I'm exhausted.  I could go to bed at like 9pm and I'd still be tired if I get up before 8.  Doesn't help to have a window that fills the entire east wall.  Crack of sunlight over the horizon=I'm up, or clenching my eyes closed in a vain attempt to stay out of consciousness.  Speaking of sleep, I'd better get some.  Adios, todos.


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