Friday, August 06, 2004

A Real-Life Experience

The other day I met a girl through a mutual friend. For the sake of confidentiality I won't give any more personal details. She invited us to a Bible study at her church. Unfortunately she attended a doctrinally-shallow Methodist church. After suffering through the "Bible" study (it was more like the gospel-according-to-movies) we all headed out to Chili's to eat. There my friend Josh and I got into a rousing discussion of all kinds of hot-topic issues with the youth leader's husband--President Bush, Michael Moore, homosexuality, abortion. As this guy was the kind of conspiratorial liberal who believes Bush is a puppet who went to war for oil, we got absolutely nowhere with him politically. We did, however, finally walk him step by step through the logic of his abortion views to the point where he agreed that if life begins at conception, and is therefore a human being when aborted, then abortion is wrong. Where he got hung up on (or where he rejected the truth) was whether life begins at conception. Needless to say, I left Chili's unsatisfied.

Back to the girl. In the car on the way home, I asked her what her views were, since she had listened to our discussion but hadn't participated. She explained that she believes that abortion is wrong.....except in the case of rape. (There's always a "but") I argued with her calmly and tried to explain to her that the issue isn't a woman's rights, comfort, or convenience, but rather a human being's life. Murdering the baby is completely irrelevant to the rape.

Eventually she argued that since the baby was conceived through rape, God obviously didn't want the baby to be born, and that it would be merciful to send it to a better place, aka heaven. I was about to explain to her that her assertion only served to deny the sovereignty of God. Who says God can't take a horrible situation and turn it into good? I know who does say it: the Bible.

However, I never got to tell her all this because right then she told me she'd been raped two weeks earlier.

Suddenly everything fell into place. I'd wondered why she had so adamantly opposed the concept of abortion being murder. Why was she getting so emotional, and relying on feelings and justifications instead of cold hard logic? Well, I found out.

At this point, a rational argument was not what she needed, rather comfort instead. She tearily told me that in her household abortion was acceptable, and that her parents gave her the morning-after pill. Better to not bring a child into that crappy situation--an unwanted baby born to an unwed 18-year old with no way to support them on her own.

I haven't talked to this girl about the abortion issue since that night. And although I probably never will again, that experience only emboldened me to speak the truth about such a horrific act. I believe most people simply don't understand what they are advocating. They just don't think it through. In our politically correct society, "womens' rights" are the focus, not the tiny little issue of a baby's life. Sexual freedom must not be limited by anything. We must educate our children about everything so that when they have sex (which they will anyways, so don't even try to change their minds) they will have it "safely." Lord, what is this world coming to? Give those of us who understand your truths the wisdom and strength to boldly speak those truths in love. May I always remember and act on the subtitle of my blog:

The truths I believe in and stand for are founded in a God bigger than this world. Regardless of my stumblings in word or deed, His truth remains unmatched, undefeated and ever eternal.


Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Wow. That was an amazingly tough situation to be in, considering that you had been arguing against abortion for so long before she told you that she had just had one. As we fight for truth, let us remember that we are to condemn no one, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Sounds like you did the right thing for the situation.

8/06/2004 10:03 AM  

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